Check your environment for asbestos and other hazards
In San Diego, some things are non-negotiable, like asbestos testing San Diego . There are high levels of hazards and toxins in San Diego, in the air and also, in our walls and our floorboards. This is due to there being slack regulations in building years ago. Today, asbestos is not used in building, and the laws are strict about building with hazard-free materials. But it was not always like that and sadly, today we are paying the price. Many of the toxins used in building materials do not go away on their own. And it is therefore up to you to check for them, and have them removed. Call in the toxin specialists If you work in a school, have it tested, using the environmental testing labs . If you run an office, call in the environmental testers. If you are working in a mine, old or new, get it tested. And if your home feels like it could be an unsafe environment, call in the environmental testers. There is no point in leaving anything to chance, especially in San...