Why is environmental testing in California suddenly so big?
Is it your imagination or is everyone doing environmental testing California all of a sudden? There was a time when environment testing was huge, especially around the huge legal cases when big companies suddenly came under fire and investigation, and then things seemed to die down. Was it because everyone was suddenly obeying the environmental rules, having got such a huge fright with cases like Erin Brockovich and similar, or is it because the environment no longer needed testing? Well the environment has always needed testing and continues to need to be tested, and environmental testing never went away; it just maybe did not make the news for a while. So why is it making the news recently? Because of public awareness, more than anything else, and because people have a responsibility, as do companies of all types and sizes. Should I be testing my environment? You do not need to do environmental testing if you have no cause to, so don’t get caught up in a state of panic. Bu...