The toxins and hazards that could be in your environment.

We know about environmental testing services that do amazing jobs in uncovering toxins or hazards in the water, in waste, in factories, in industries who illegally dump, and in old buildings and disused mines. What we are not always aware of are the toxins and hazards that could be in our homes or our schools, and yes, in our offices too. Environmental agencies are always busy testing. Sometimes they do not find results, which is great, sometimes they find small hazards like damp or black mold, which is dangerous, and sometimes they can find real toxins like asbestos or lead. Exposure to toxins, especially long-term, can be extremely dangerous, which is exactly why there are environmental testing services. Environmental testing services visit any place that is concerned that there may be something toxic or hazardous going on. They have all the equipment needed, they have the skill and the manpower, and they have their own labs. They can find out quickly if there is something to w...